
Showing posts from November, 2019

What To Expect While Nursing And How Breastfeeding Friendly Tops Help?

The very first thing a mother does after giving birth to her child is to breastfeed. You are bound to face at least some difficulties during the whole first year of your child while breastfeeding. This is where breastfeeding-friendly tops come to aid. The First Few Days In the beginning, you won’t produce too much milk right away . While it won’t be much, it is full of essential nutrients and antibiotic properties that are crucial to building a newborn's immune system. This is also the time when you will be staying at the hospital. So, you won’t have much difficulty as the nurses will be there to help you. Weeks 1-4 After it becomes set into a routine, it is important to nurse or pump as often as possible as this is the time that your body will learn how much you need to produce. If you nurse or pump often, it will be easier for you to nurse in the coming weeks. Your baby will learn more about latching on at this time and become more comfortable with ...